Thursday, September 17, 2009

What presenters can learn from Sapranos Pizza

This summer we spent a week in Alma, NB and one day, after kayaking around the Hopewell Rocks, we were tired and needed dinner. So I popped into the local pizza place, Sapranos Pizza. Instead of simply asking what I wanted to order, the lady behind the counter asked how many I was feeding and how hungry we were. Based on my answers, she suggested what size of pizza would work best for our family that night.

How does this relate to presenting? Too often I see presenters who don’t take the time to find out what the audience needs. They simply show up and deliver their canned presentation. The audience doesn’t leave feeling like their needs were met because those needs were never even identified. The pizza lady first took time to determine what our needs were and then presented the best solution.

If you want to take your presentations to the next level, start by asking the audience where they are now and where they’d like to be. Come prepared with a non-linear presentation so you can go in whatever direction will best satisfy the hunger of the audience. They will leave full and satisfied.

And if you are ever in Alma, NB at dinner time, drop by Sapranos Pizza for a really good pizza!


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